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Egypt to continue development march amid global turbulence
24 July 2024

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stated in a televised speech marking the 72nd anniversary of the 23 July 1952 Revolution that Egypt will weather the current turbulent times in the region and the world and continue on the path towards development.

In a recorded speech, El-Sisi stressed that the turbulent regional and international situation creates new challenges and complex conditions for Egypt and other countries.

He also highlighted the impact of growing tensions and confrontations worldwide and regional conflicts, wars, and internal strife.

In addition, El-Sisi pointed out how these conflicts led to the fragmentation of some countries and the collapse of their institutions.

He also underlined the catastrophic humanitarian conditions, widespread famine, and displacement of millions of people across the region.

“These unprecedented circumstances place enormous burdens on Egypt,” El-Sisi emphasized.

He affirmed, however, that these circumstances can only be mitigated by Egyptians' unwavering strength, resilience, unity, and cohesion.

El-Sisi said the 1952 Revolution anniversary brings back memories of “an event that changed the course of Egyptian history and the region.” He added that the revolution ushered in an era of “ending long colonization and establishing Egypt's real independence and sovereignty.”

In addition, he said Egyptians have drawn lessons from the July Revolution, including “rejecting any attempts to compromise on national independence, safeguarding the dignity of the nation and its citizens, and striving under all circumstances to enhance social justice and protect the most vulnerable groups.”

He affirmed that Egypt has preserved this role by playing active roles and assuming leading positions in various international forums.

Furthermore, El-Sisi highlighted that Egypt has preserved its land, sovereignty, and independence and established peace based on justice and land restoration.

He added that Egypt has nonetheless firmly and steadfastly held onto the rights and interests of its brothers. In this regard, El-Sisi stressed Egypt’s role “in protecting the Palestinian people’s just cause from liquidation and the sustained effort Egypt devotes to supporting their legitimate right to an independent and sovereign state.”

Source: Al-Ahram Online