16 Tuesday , July, 2024
Official Portal of Cairo Governorate
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Cairo Portal provides a set of services


Databases: the portal provides comprehensive databases of information about several government sectors like the supply sector- the health sector- the social solidarity sector- the transport sector.


E-library: the portal offers an e-library contains the latest periodicals issued by Cairo governorate on various subjects concerning the citizens.


Service Guide: it offers easy access to all Cairo governorate's entities' information and services (Address- Telephone- Fax- Email).


Tenders and auctions: all tenders and auctions announced by Cairo governorate's entities are available on the portal.


New job opportunities: the portal publishes all the available job vacancies in Cairo governorate and its affiliated entities to achieve equality between all job seekers.   


Polls and suggestions: the portal offers all citizens an opportunity to participate in improving the portal's performance and supporting policy-making process through its occasional polls on issues concerning Cairo's citizens.


Primary and preparatory exam results: the portal offers all students of primary and preparatory schools quick and easy online access to their exam results.


Last updated:2024