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 Cairo modern streets


Streets are the memory of our nation, holding tears, smiles, setbacks, and victories that linger as long as history lasts and trace remains. Today, we will explore the history of one of Cairo's most important arteries: Al-Galaa Street.

Al-Galaa Street, formerly known as the Al-Tera’ Al-Boulqia, is named after the canal that extended from the Nile River, specifically at the location of the current Radio and Television Building, to the Shubra farms.



https://www.cairo.gov.eg/en/Photos/English_site/culture/streets/galaa1.jpg https://www.cairo.gov.eg/en/Photos/English_site/culture/streets/galaa2.jpg

Regarding the current name of the street, it was named by the leaders of the July 1952 Revolution as part of their efforts to change the names of streets in Cairo. They replaced them with names reflecting revolutionary themes, such as Al-Galaa and Al-Tahrir. The Galaa Street connects two of the widest and busiest squares in Cairo: Tahrir and Ramses squares.
On the other hand, The Galaa Street bridges two contrasting worlds: the "European Cairo," or Khedivial Cairo, and the world of Boulaq, or "the former Port of Boulaq."

Al-Galaa Street boasts many unique features, the most notable of which is that it is one of the rare covered streets in Egypt. However, this is not a ceiling in the conventional sense, but it was part of one of the construction phases of the 6th of October Bridge. The bridge spans Al-Galaa Street from its beginning at Ramses Square to its end at Abdel Moneim Riad Square, where Al-Galaa Street ends.

  https://www.cairo.gov.eg/en/Photos/English_site/culture/streets/galaa3.jpg https://www.cairo.gov.eg/en/Photos/English_site/culture/streets/galaa4.jpg

Despite the street’s narrow nature, it is home to many famous and prominent institutions in Cairo, such as the Red Crescent Hospital, the Azbakia Police Station, the Egyptian Trade Union Federation building, the General Authority for Health Insurance, Al-Galaa Courthouse, Akhbar Al-Youm Foundation, Al-Ahram Foundation, the Kalousdian Armenian School, the Greek Church, Al-Galaa Maternity Hospital, and the Ambulance Pharmacy. 

Ramses Street is the longest and most crowded street in Cairo. It is also the main artery connecting many of Cairo districts. Ramses street extends from Tahrir Square to Abbasia Square.

Reasons behind the name
At first, Ramses street was known as Abbas street after Khedive Abbas Helmy, who ruled Egypt in 1892. After Khedive Abbas died, the street’s name was changed to El-Malika Nazli, the wife of King Fouad II. Later, King Farouq shortened the name to El-Maleka Street because of the bad reputation of his mother. Then in1962, after placing the sculpture of Nahdet Masr “Rise of Egypt” by the Egyptian sculptor Mahmoud Mukhtar in Ramses square, the street became known as Nahdet Masr Street. After the 23rd of July revolution in 1955, the sculpture was moved to Cairo University square, and Ramses II statue was placed instead. Since then, the street retained the name of Ramses despite moving Ramses statue to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza in 2006.
Ramses street houses many of Cairo’s significant government institutions such as the Lawyers Syndicate, Egyptian Chemistry Administration, Sadat Academy for Management Sciences (SAMS), Arab Music Institute, Administration Development Bank, and Egypt National Railway.

Ramses Street on Google Maps


Mohammad Mazhar Street

 Mohammad Mazhar Street is one of Zamalek area most famous streets. It runs from 26th July intersection to Geziret El-Zamalek.


Mohammad Mazhar Street was named after the brilliant Egyptian engineer Mohammad Mazhar Pasha. Mohammad Mazhar Pasha was chosen by Mohammad Ali Pasha to be part of the study mission he sent to France in 1826 to study marine engineering. When he returned to Egypt, he was appointed as a headmaster of the artillery school. He also built the Lighthouse of Alexandria upon the request of Mohammed Ali Pasha and participated in establishing El Qanater El Khayreya.


Mohammad Mazhar Street is home to many embassies like Algerian Embassy and Vatican Embassy. There is also the Greater Cairo Library which used to be the palace of Samiha Kamel, daughter of Sultan Hussein Kamel.



El-Sheikh Rihan Street

El-Sheikh Rihan Street is another notable street in Cairo and is the flowing artery from the heart of European Cairo. The Street extends from Simón Bolivar Square to Port Said Street.


El-Sheikh Rihan Street was named after El-Sheikh Rihan, whose shrine lies at a corner in the middle of the Street. Historians argued whether it took its name from Abu Rihanna, one of Prophet Mohammad’s companions or Rihan ibn Yousef, a descendant of Imam Hussein ibn Ali. In 1917, The Street was called El-Sultan Hussein Kamel, the Sultan of Egypt and Sudan who ascended the throne in 1917. After the 23rd of July revolution, the Street restored its old name El-Sheikh Rihan.


El-Sheikh Rihan Street on Google Maps


Sabri Abu Alm Street

Sabri Abu Alm Street runs from Talaat Harb Square to Mohammad Farid Square. In the past, it was called Gerks street after the Gerks mosque which was built by the Mamluk Prince Gerks. Then in 1947, the Street’s name was changed to Sabri Abu Alm Street after Mohammad Sabri Abu Alm Pasha, one of the Egyptian leaders who played a vital role in the political life in Egypt. Mohammad Sabry graduated from Law School in 1971, and he was appointed Minister of Justice in 1942. He also participated in the committee that prepared the two draft laws of abolishing capitulations and the independence of the judiciary in Egypt. Moreover, he was Secretary-General of Al-Wafd Party and the owner of “Sout Al-Umma” newspaper.



Salah Salem Street

Salah Salem Street in Cairo is Egypt’s most famous streets ever.  The Street is known far and wide because it is connecting many of Cairo’s areas that lead to the main bridges of the city.


Salah Salem Street runs from Cairo airport to El-Malek El-Saleh tunnel. The Street is one of Cairo’s longest streets passing through three areas which are Madinet Nasr, Masr El-Gadidah, and El-Abbasia. Salah Salem is a two-way street, and it was built by Abdel El-Latif Al-Baghdadi on instruction from the Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Naser in the 1950s. It was called then El-Tariq El-Harbi Street, and most of its lands were cemeteries. It was like a traffic circle whose middle phase lies on the outskirts of Cairo.  


Salah Salem street was named after one of the Egyptian free officers as the day in which Abdel El-Latif Al-Baghdadi finished the construction of Salah Salem road marked the anniversary of the officer’s death. Salah Salem was of Sudanese origin, and he lived in Cairo since childhood. He graduated from Military School in 1940. After the 23rd of July revolution, he commanded the Egyptian army forces in Sudan. Salah Salem was also a politician and played an important role in signing the agreement of 12th of February with Britain on Sudan. After he quit politics, he worked in journalism.


Salah Salem Street houses Oruba Palace, Baron Palace, and other significant places like the Cairo Stadium, the Egyptian Military Academy, Ministry of Defense, and the Cairo Airport.



Qasr El-Nil Street

Qasr El-Nil Street is one of the main arteries in the heart of Cairo. It is where the Egyptian army built their barracks and the hangout of Egyptian elites.  The street was also the cradle of political conflict in Egypt.


Qasr El-Nil Street extends from Tahrir Square, passing by Talaat Harb Square and Mustafa Kamel Square and ends on Oprah Square.   
Qasr El-Nil is the only street that retained its first name which is associated with the palace built by Mohammed Ali Pasha for his Daughter “Nazly Hanem”, on the Nile. Then Said Pasha built army barracks in the area. In 1950, the barracks were demolished and replaced by Arab League headquarters and Nile- Ritz Carlton Hotel.
In its early days, Qasr El-Nil Street was the headquarters of the Egyptian army because it was close to Qasr El-Ainy Street, home to palaces of royalty and dignitaries at this time. Being an important military and political site made it an aspiration for the British occupation. So, when the British forces arrived in Egypt, they occupied the Egyptian army barracks on Qasr El-Nil street, and after the evacuation of the British troops, King Farouq raised the flag of Egypt on Qasr El-Nil’s army barracks.

Later, the street developed to be one of Cairo’s iconic streets housing several stores like Chalons, Sidnawy, Benzoin; companies such as Almasnoat Almasryia Company; banks like Bank Misr, and National Bank of Egypt.  It also houses two of Cairo’s historic El-Imobilia building and Wahba building as well as Mamar Behlar “Behar passageway” which is the most famous in Cairo. It was named after a Swiss businessman Charles Behlar, the founder and owner of several real estates and hotels in Cairo. The passageway was modelled after the French shopping streets.



The construction of this area is attributed to Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mohammad Ali Pasha, who ordered the pavement of the land extending from Abu El-Ela Bridge in the north to Qasr El-Nil Bridge in the south. Then in 1882, Khedive Ismail assigned genius Egyptian architect Ali Mubarak to design Qasr El-Nil Street. The street has distinctive architectural style and artistic decorations that imitate the European one that emerged in Europe during the second half of the 19th century.


Qasr El-Nil Street on Google Maps


Abdel Aziz Street extends from Abdeen Palace to Ataba Square. It was established to connect Abdeen Palace, the seat of government then, with Khedive Abbas's Palace in Ataba Square. The street was named after Sultan Abdel Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, commemorating his fruitful visit to Egypt in 1863 during the reign of Ismail Pasha.



 In its early days, Abdel Aziz Street was a model of urban coordination and artistic beauty, but it has now transformed into Cairo's most famous commercial street.

Significant visits and special privileges for Khedive Ismail

Sultan Abdel Aziz’s visit was the first of an Ottoman sultan to Egypt following Sultan Selim's conquest of the country in 1517. Upon the arrival of Sultan Abdel Aziz in Alexandria, Ismail Pasha welcomed him personally. Abdel Aziz stayed at Ras El-Tin Palace for two days before traveling by train to Cairo. It was the first time the sultan saw a train. Egypt was the first to build a railway in Africa during the reign of Abbas I in 1852, in agreement with Robert Stevenson, the inventor of the steam locomotive. Additionally, the Cairo-Alexandria line is the first railway line in the entire region.

In Cairo, the sultan stayed at Salah El-Din Citadel Palace and performed Friday prayers at the Mosque of Mohammad Ali. He also witnessed the parade of Kiswat Al-Kaaba departing from Egypt to Mecca.

During this visit, Ismail Pasha strengthened his position to achieve his ambitions. So, he was granted new rights, privileges, and several royal decrees to consolidate his power. Firstly, the monarchy in Egypt was restructured to pass to Ismail's eldest son rather than the eldest member of the Muhammad Ali family, per the Farmān issued on June 8, 1867. Then, Ismail Pasha was bestowed the title of Khedive, as per the Farmān of May 27, 1866, elevating his ruler’s position to a rank closer to that of kings and sultans.

From unique architectural style to Cairo’s most famous commercial streets

Over time, commercial activity flourished on Abdel Aziz Street, featuring a series of stores. One of the most famous was the Omar Effendi store, located at the intersection of Abdel Aziz and Rushdi Streets (formerly Al-Saha). The store is named after its Turkish owner.


Later, with the onset of World War I (1914–1918), Turks liquidated their properties in Egypt. Then, a French merchant named Orosdi Back purchased the store. Orosdi Back retained the original name due to its wide fame. The building features a dome above the entrance with a lantern that rotates in the evening, illuminating the skies of Cairo. The store became renowned for the Omar Effendi lantern, which lit up at night to announce sales, attracting customers to the store.

That marked the beginning of commercial activity, and after several years, the furniture trade spread throughout the street. Then, it became home to Egypt's most renowned furniture showrooms. It attracted wealthy customers, as they displayed expensive and imported goods. Among the most famous were the Sablaji Pasha Store, Al-Farnawani Pasha Store, and Ali Bey Al-Samari Store.

The furniture shops dominated the street until the early 1990s. Afterwards, the street shifted its business activity to electrical appliances, becoming a hub for many across Egypt.
Due to the rapid changes in commerce, the emergence and spread of mobile phones prompted merchants to change their business focus. This shift has transformed the street into a primary hub for mobile phones, accessories, and used devices, making it one of the busiest markets in the capital.


Last Update: 2024