15 Sunday , September, 2024
Official Portal of Cairo Governorate
Cairo Governor attends ‘Safer Environment for Children’ Workshop
17 July 2024

Cairo Governor Ibrahim Saber attended the child protection workshop “Safer Environment for Children” organized by the Child Protection Committee of Cairo governorate in collaboration with Asmae Association Sister Emmanuelle at the Cairo Center for Human Resources Training to activate the role of Child Protection Committees in Cairo.  

Saber asserted the political leadership’s interest in protecting and improving children's rights, given that children are one of the fundamental pillars for achieving a better future by creating a safer environment that allows children to interact positively with society, shaping generations that are strong, responsible, and aligned with the principles of the new republic and achieve sustainable development goals.

 Saber added the state has paid great attention to children and their needs, establishing the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood as a national mechanism responsible for policy-making, planning, coordination, monitoring, and evaluating activities related to child and maternal protection and development in collaboration with NGOs.

Moreover, Saber said the state has strengthened children's rights through various qualitative and practical steps, starting with the formation of child protection committees as a mechanism to activate the national protection system at the governorate level under the chairmanship of the governor, as well as subcommittees in  Cairo’s districts to safeguard children’s right of protection against abuse, violence, and working on all aspects to achieve prevention and response to risks related to protection issues, including violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect.

Saber also pointed out President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi directed the implementation of several policies and programs to ensure that the rights of every Egyptian child "without discrimination" in protection, care, and human dignity, as the state guarantees every child has the right to enjoy their right in protection, care, and development, taking into account the best interests of the child in all matters related to them.

Saber, furthermore, emphasized promoting children's rights requires positive interaction and collaboration from all official and civil society entities, involving all relevant parties, including civil society institutions and active NGOs in this field.

The governor commended the efforts of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood for its continuous support in safeguarding children's rights, which is in alignment with the state's policy in this regard. He also praised all associations and social institutions working diligently with the state to protect children from discrimination, racism, exploitation, and abuse while providing comprehensive healthcare.

The governor also hailed the efforts of members of general committees and subcommittees of Cairo governorate to create a safer environment for our children and the role of civil society organizations in this field, such as the Asmae Association Sister  Emmanuelle, an international civil society organization with over seven offices worldwide working in Egypt for 25 years.

The Creating a Safer Environment for Children project is a partnership with the Cairo Governorate to activate the role of the child protection committees established after the amendments to the Child Law in 2008. The workshops aim to activate the role of the subcommittees for child protection in Cairo.

Cairo Governorate has been keen on providing full support to the management of the Child Protection Committee by forming the General Committee for Child Protection, chaired by the Governor and including deputy governors, the Director of Cairo Security, directors of relevant directorates, and four civil society associations representing four areas in Cairo and other entities.

The workshop was also attended by the four deputy governors, the director of the Social Solidarity Directorate, the director of the Health Directorate, the president of the Union of Civil Society Organizations, the Representative of the Asmae Association Office in Egypt, Mrs. Nashwa Faiq, Project Manager Mr. Michelle Boulos, and Official of the association’s technical support for child protection policies Mr. Ashraf Abdel Moneim.

Source: Media Department, Cairo Governorate